Enhancing Cyber Safety

U.S. Consulate General Kolkata’s Cybersafe East program helps entrepreneurs gain valuable security skills for the digital world.

By Michael Gallant

July 2024

Enhancing Cyber Safety

The workshops in Dimapur and Aizawl brought together over 80 Indian entrepreneurs, mostly women, to learn effective cybersecurity practices. (Photograph courtesy U.S. Consulate General Kolkata)

From large nations to small private companies, digital security is a huge concern for everyone. Online criminals can steal identities, hold digital systems hostage, empty bank accounts, extract valuable private data, disrupt public infrastructure, and more. However, with the right knowledge, anyone can dramatically improve their online safety against these threats.

Digital security education was the key goal for Cybersafe East, a program organized by the U.S. Consulate General Kolkata in partnership with the Centre for International Trade Economics and Environment (CITEE). It was supported by YouthNet Nagaland, Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) India, and the government of India’s Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology.

The workshops in Dimapur and Aizawl brought together over 80 Indian entrepreneurs, mostly women, to learn effective cybersecurity practices.

The sessions covered a wide array of topics intended to keep participants and their businesses safe online. Participants learned about the dangers of email attachments, which can contain computer viruses and other destructive programs. Instructors also discussed the risks of using public Wi-Fi networks, as they can be exploited by hackers to gain illicit access to devices. Additionally, participants learned about choosing and securely storing strong passwords, as well as the importance of two-factor authentication.

Combating online threats

Kritika Pradhan, an entrepreneur from Darjeeling, West Bengal, serves as the general secretary of the Gorkha Women’s Welfare Forum, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. She found Cybersafe East helpful in “educating the general public on the various types of cybercrime, which is very important, especially for young girls and old people,” who may be more vulnerable to exploitation by cybercriminals and hackers.

Onen Nenty, director of Artistic Naga Touch Pvt. Ltd., found the Cybersafe East workshops particularly valuable. A content creator and entrepreneur managing a merchandise brand and homestay in Kohima, Nenty describes herself as “heavily engaged in online networking and social media for my business.”

“At Cybersafe East, my favorite part was learning about cybersecurity best practices,” she says.

“As someone who frequently uses online platforms for networking and social media, I often worry about hacks and account vulnerabilities,” she says. “Attending the program expanded my knowledge beyond basic cybersafety, emphasizing caution with email attachments, avoiding public Wi-Fi, and using two-factor authentication for added security.”

Protecting a new business

Pratibha Raj, founder and director of Curious Bee Designs, learned about Cybersafe East from fellow entrepreneurs and decided it was vital to her business’ success to get involved. The Bihar-based design and manufacturing firm provides custom recreational activity kits for mental wellness.

“I wanted to keep abreast of the latest technological threats that keep small businesses vulnerable,” she says. “Cybersecurity problems could hugely impact my business, as it’s at a really nascent stage.”

Raj found Cybersafe East’s workshops informative and engaging. “The key information was delivered with practical examples,” she says. “I loved the way it was curated to help participants understand their vulnerability, so that they could realize the threats lingering over them.” She also notes how the program was customized to meet the needs of individual participants. “The program taught me the dos and don’ts of situations where I might face a digital threat,” she says. “I applied these learnings to several businesses along with mine.” Raj emphasizes the importance of digital security for everyone, especially older generations who may be less tech-savvy. “Our parents are at high risk of being cheated online,” she says.

Raj says that staying current on the latest security measures and threats is vital. She also stresses the importance of spreading knowledge about cybercrime and how to combat it. “Staying updated is the key to being cyber safe,” she says, “Practicing these cyber safe habits should be done as a community.”

Michael Gallant is a New York City-based writer, musician and entrepreneur.

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