• Transforming a Community’s Future 
  • Enhancing Public Health and Climate Resiliency
  • Harnessing Mentorship to Scale Women-Owned Businesses 
  • Putting Women Forward 
  • Transforming Menstrual Hygiene  
  • Driving Health and Social Action
  • Subtitles for the Real World
  • Taking HIV Care Online
  • Turning the Tide for HIV-Affected Families
  • Making HIV Care Accessible 
  • Breaking Barriers Around HIV Care 
  • Navigating Adolescence With HIV 
  • Breaking Taboos Around Family Planning
  • Expanding the Green Lungs
  • Easing the Way for Transgender Care
  • Energy-Efficient Railways
  • Making Communities Water Secure
  • Stronger Partnerships for Greater Development
  • Digitizing Small Businesses
  • Lucknow’s Energy-Efficient Housing
  • Drones Help Diagnose TB Patients in Remote Areas 
  • Promoting Excellence in Health Care 
  • A Solution in Plain Sight
  • Developing High Impact Innovations
  • Blended Financing for Health Innovation
  • Green Cooling Solutions
  • POWERing Up Change
  • Effective Forest Management Through Forest PLUS 2.0
  • Bridging the Gender Digital Divide 
  • Helping Women@Work 
  • Polio: Reaching Every Child
  • Training for the Future
  • Gaming for Empowerment and Choice
  • Recycling Carbon for Sustainability
  • Revival of India’s Small Businesses
  • Cultivating Gender Equity
  • Investing in Inclusive Development
  • Solar Loan Program for India’s Small Businesses
  • Tech Tools to Combat TB
  • Smart Power
  • Building Health Infrastructure and Social Support
  • Developing Resilience to Climate Change
  • Energizing Gender Equity
  • Energy
  • Health and Biomedical Innovation
  • Collaborations for Clean Air
  • Empowering the Future
  • The Power of Prediction
  • Saving Forest Resources
  • Breath of Life
  • Promoting Health Through Digital Tools